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Halloween is coming up on us quickly. In the next month, kiddos around the nation will be dressing up in their cute (or scary) costumes and going from house to house asking the question that always rewards them with candy: “Trick or Treat?” 

While candy has always been the thing to giveaway to trick or treaters, there are many healthier alternatives that people are starting to give out to the kids that ring their doorbell. AFM Healthcare in Winter Park fully understands that kids love receiving a bag full of candy at the end of the night, but there are plenty of alternatives that are equally exciting and not nearly as high in sugar as candy. 

In today’s blog post, the team at AFM Healthcare is going to go over a few of the alternatives that you could give out for Halloween so that you have more than enough time to plan. Let’s get started. 


The treats that you give out can be healthy without having to give up how tasty they are. Pretzels are one of the more flavorful treats that people give out and kids are not at all upset about receiving them. Whether you opt for chocolate covered pretzels to still work with the sweet aspect of the holiday or you go for small baggies of your standard pretzels, this is a healthy alternative that kids will enjoy.


A treat that is far from sweet and sugary and has been given out for years is popcorn! There’s something absolutely delicious about popcorn, and it helps that it is easy to bag and a relatively affordable snack. Aside from that, popcorn offers a variety of ways that you can choose to give it out; fill up little baggies with popcorn decorated like pumpkins, make popcorn balls and wrap them up, or hand out classic popcorn bags for kids (and parents) to enjoy while they walk from house to house. 


Another healthy treat that children love are fruit gummies. This is a great way to give children a snack that is good for their health but disguised as a tasty treat for them to enjoy. The best part about gummies is that you can find all sorts of fun Halloween shaped gummies during this time of the year making it even easier to give out healthy treats that match the theme. 


Sticking with the treats that are sweet while still a bit healthier, honey sticks are another fantastic option that you could give to children for Halloween. If you go to your local farmers market or any of the local stores here in Winter Park, you will more than likely find a selection of honey sticks with a variety of flavors. When kids stop by your house, you can give them a stick or two and feel confident in the healthy treat that is equally sweet.


Another treat that is on the healthier side but still well-known during this season are your sweet and savory caramel apples. If you love being able to get creative with the treats that you’re handing out, this is definitely an option that you should look into. Again, it’s a healthier option that is still delicious, creative, and can be sweet or salty depending on how you plan on preparing the apples.


If you want to completely stay away from giving out food, many people have started to give out tiny toys or items to children when they stop by. There are so many opportunities with this that it completely makes sense why people would choose to give out tiny toys for this holiday. Whether you choose to get pencils with pumpkins and ghosts, little rings with bats on them, glow sticks that can turn into necklaces, or something of the like, these are little treasures that kids are going to love to play with. The moment that they empty out their Halloween sacks, you can guarantee they’ll be excited to see these items.


The team at AFM Healthcare here in Winter Park supports the idea of giving healthy treats as an alternative to candy. At the end of the day, we want nothing more than children that are healthy, happy, and having a great time on Halloween. Whether you’re in need of a primary care physician for your child, you can count on our team. Browse the variety of services that we offer and contact our office today to schedule your appointment. 

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